Ingrid von Kruse, Photographie
Denise Scott Brown | Philadelphia 2009
Silver gelatin, Print archival signed on the back, dated, copyright, Artist Proof
frame beech
49 x 48 x 0,1 cm without frame price 2.500,00 EUR
78 x 66 x 3 cm with frame price 2.700,00 EUR
Ingrid von Kruse, Photographie
Kazuyo Sejima | Lausanne 2010
Silver gelatin, Print archival signed on the back, dated, copyright 3/3
frame beech
56 x 44 x 0,1 cm without frame price 2.500,00 EUR
78 x 66 x 3 cm with frame price 2.700,00 EUR
Ingrid von Kruse, Photographie
Phyllis Lambert | Montreal 2010
Silver gelatin, Print archival signed on the back, dated, copyright 3/3
frame beech
53,5 x 48 x 0,1 cm without frame price 2.500,00 EUR
78 x 66 x 3 cm with frame price 2.700,00 EUR
Ingrid von Kruse, Photographie
Zaha Hadid
Rom 2009
Silver gelatin, Print archival signed on the back, dated, copyright 3/3
frame beech
53,5 x 48 x 0,1 cm without frame price 2.500,00 EUR
78 x 66 x 3 cm with frame price 2.700,00 EUR
Paula Klien
Alight 1
Dimensions with solid linden wood frame
W x H x D 32.6 x 42.6 x 3.2 cm
Edition 10
Giclée print on cotton paper with photo rag 295g mineral pigment ink
aquabitArt Galerie
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