Fiona Ackerman and Arjan Miranda | I am Strange on the Inside | 2021
Fiona Ackerman and Arjan Miranda
I am Strange on the Inside
Video 6.9 min.
“I actually think art might be using us to reproduce and evolve itself.” Fiona Ackerman refers to these hopeful words by Jerry Saltz in his article “The artwork goes dark” to describe her attitude while working on the metamorphosis exhibition. Especially in the cooperation between her and the New York video artist and musician Arjan Miranda she embraced the idea of becoming an instrument for the evolution of art. She sent bits and studies of her paintings and drawings to Arjan Miranda who transformed them into moving images and sent it back to Fiona. This process went back and forth for a while until the video “I am strange on the Inside” emerged, a metamorphosis in the truest sense of the word!
Vendor Information
- Store Name: Galerie Kremers
- Vendor: Galerie Kremers
Schmiedehof 17
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